AI-based healthcare platform predicts diabetes with high accuracy but ‘won’t replace patient care’

With 37.3 million people in the United States living with diabetes — 8.5 million of whom are undiagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the disease is one of the nation’s deadliest and most expensive.

Cedar Gate Technologies, a medical technology development company in Greenwich, Connecticut, on Tuesday announced a new AI-based solution that aims to reduce the burden of diabetes on patients and providers.

In a recent study, Cedar Gate used its solution, Cedar Gate Analytics, to assess data from more than 1.2 million patients in its database over a 12-month period.


The results showed that 80% of patients without known diabetes who were identified by the model were confirmed to develop the disease the following year, the company said.

“Apply technology to business use cases”

The company said in a press release that Cedar Gate Analytics is the “first value-based platform available and deployed in commerce with this level of precision.”

Rajiv Mahale, director of product and business development at Cedar Gate, told Fox News Digital in an interview that this means “we can confidently identify people who are at higher risk of developing or receiving a diagnosis.” of diabetes in the future”.

The AI ​​model (not shown) showed that 80% of patients without known diabetes who were identified by the model were confirmed to develop the disease the following year. (Stock)

Cedar Gate Analytics isn’t the only AI-based model that aims to detect diabetes risk, but the company says it’s “the first of its kind at this level.”

Mahale said: “While there have been numerous academic research studies showing the ability of AI-based diabetes prediction models, we are applying our technology to commercial use cases, putting tools to analysis in the hands of professional users to solve real problems. problems of the world.”

“We don’t expect AI to replace patient care.”

He added, “Today, we have the technology to profoundly and significantly halt the trajectory of diabetes, controlling costs and improving health outcomes at scale.

“Responsible to Patients”

Cedar Gate’s AI platform is intended for use by healthcare professionals, explained David Snow, president and CEO of Cedar Gate Technologies.

The goal is to provide physicians with the information they need to identify patients at risk of developing diabetes.

Cedar Gate Analytics (not pictured) isn't the only AI-based model that aims to detect diabetes risk, but the company says it's "the first of its kind at this level."

Cedar Gate Analytics (not pictured) isn’t the only AI-based model that aims to detect diabetes risk, but the company says it’s “the first of its kind at this level.” (Stock)

“Ultimately, clinicians are accountable to patients,” Snow said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

“The data tell doctors that patients will develop diabetes if they don’t intervene, allowing them to avoid an acute onset of a problem.”

Snow said Cedar Gate Analytics reflects the company’s broader goal of moving to a new healthcare model, one centered on “value-based care” rather than “fee-for-service.”

More than 37 million people in the United States have diabetes, 8.5 million of whom are undiagnosed.

“With the fee-for-service model, providers are rewarded for waiting for people to get sick,” he explained.

“With value-based care, they are rewarded for keeping people healthy.”

“Creating Meaning”

Cedar Gate’s AI model is based on several years of medical claims data. It uses machine learning networks to predict the likelihood of many chronic diseases, including diabetes.

“This kind of information isn’t new, but this level of precision and predictability is exciting,” Snow said.

“Currently, there is no known solution from the best analysts in the industry capable of achieving more than 80% accuracy at real, substantial scale.”


Mahale explained that they don’t just feed raw data into an algorithm.

“We have data scientists and clinicians creating meaning from data before it enters a model, defining the patient journey and key events,” Mahale said.

“Our tools have the potential to reach a much larger portion of the population at risk of serious chronic disease.”

"Our tools have the potential to reach a much larger portion of the population at risk of serious chronic disease," said Cedar Gate's chief product officer.

“Our tools have the potential to reach a much larger portion of the population at risk for serious chronic diseases,” said Cedar Gate’s chief product officer. (Stock)

Researchers predict that by identifying diabetes risk earlier and improving patient outcomes, society could potentially help save millions of dollars in healthcare costs.

For each person with diabetes, the annual cost totals $9,601 per year, according to the American Diabetes Association.

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare is not new, but it is growing rapidly as technology opens up new ways to improve patient care and increase provider efficiency.

As of October 2022, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) listed over 500 AI/ML-enabled medical devices available in the United States.

“You have to look at the data”

Dr. Harvey Castro, a board-certified emergency physician from Dallas, Texas, and national speaker on artificial intelligence in healthcare, believes that AI platforms are a great tool for preventative medicine.

“The more we know about a medical condition, the more likely we are to do our best to stay healthy by changing our habits,” he told Fox News Digital.

“I see this as the future of preventative medicine.”

Castro cautions, however, that these types of models tend to only predict what they have studied – so the information can potentially be somewhat skewed in favor of a certain region or group of people.

With 37.3 million people in the United States living with diabetes - 8.5 million of whom are undiagnosed - the disease is one of the country's deadliest and costliest.

With 37.3 million people in the United States living with diabetes – 8.5 million of whom are undiagnosed – the disease is one of the country’s deadliest and costliest. (Stock)

“Therefore, you need to look at the data and see if it represents the entire US population; otherwise, this information may not apply to you,” he said.

“For example, someone in West Africa might not have the same risk calculator as someone in California or New York.”

Looking ahead, the Cedar Gate team plans to release similar AI models focused on detecting other chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure and COPD.


In the future, the group plans to apply the technology to complex diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

“We don’t expect AI to replace patient care,” Snow said.

“It just gives us the ability to better educate those responsible for delivering care so they can be more effective with their patients.”


He added, “With so much data in healthcare, powerful analytics are a necessity.”

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